Fresh Thoughts

And some old favourites

What Does “Greatness” Mean?

"Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them."  (Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V) Greatness.  What a concept.  It's not something we ponder every day.  At least, I don't.  Make that...

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Communicating bad news

I had the good fortune this week to be interviewed for an article about how supervisors can communicate bad news.  As a manager, I've done a bit of this, and I've certainly been on the receiving end.  As a consultant, I've advised others communicating organizational...

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Your Most Critical Communication – Self-Talk

I'll admit it. I talk to myself.  I, you, and billions of other humans, have lively internal dialogues taking place nearly all the time.  It's as if we have invisible companions whispering in our ears in all our waking moments.  When we talk to ourselves, repeating...

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Greetings from Florence. Alitalia has created a brilliant opportunity to write something about BAD customer communication. "What do you expect?" I hear you ask, "It's an airline." OK, I've been a spoiled princess where airlines have been concerned. Alitalia is making...

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The other 93%

"I just get home and then I leave again." That's one of the lines in Diana Krall's song, Departure Bay.  I guess that's the story of her life. In recent months, it's the story of mine. I just got back from Washington, DC, and I'm heading off to the UK tonight. The...

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What is a Business Communicator

Yesterday, I received an e-mail from a colleague asking for a definition of "business communicator."  As a regional chair for the world's largest association of business communicators, you'd think I'd have a fast answer for that. But I didn't. My first reaction was,...

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MBAs, Coaches, and Communicators

I awoke this morning to the news that Dave Buck, the CEO of CoachVille, had declared the death of the MBA. As a coach, I'm intrigued.  As an MBA, I'm amused.  As someone whose mug is prominently displayed in a sincere...

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The Call to Adventure

A few months ago, I bumped into a statistic suggesting that more than 80 per cent of North American drivers think they are better than average.  Hmmmmm. Do the math. This impossible belief seems to apply to communication, too. How many resumes have you seen that claim...

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