Fresh Thoughts

And some old favourites

Addressing the Agile Elephants in the Room

Addressing the Agile Elephants in the Room

What is there about Agile that hasn’t already been said? Lots, actually, but much of it is “elephant in the room” stuff. We know it’s there, and it’s probably big, but we pretend not to see it. Maybe it’s time to start talking about it.

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Being Wrong – Part Two

There are lots of reasons, both innate and learned, that trick our brains into thinking we’re right when we’re not, that we’re smarter than we are and that our good decisions are based on talent and our bad outcomes based on luck. So, what can we do about it.

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Being Wrong – Part One

Being Wrong – Part One

What if not knowing is OK? What if it’s good to be a little unsure? Curiosity and an appetite for experimentation are fundamental in Agile work practice. What if we acted as if we believe that? What if the smartest – and most Agile – thing we can do is give up our need to be smart?

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So you think you can telework? Part One

So you think you can telework? Part One

As businesses scramble to get set up with communication and collaboration tech tools to keep the wheels of industry turning, I thought I’d write a series of posts to share what I’ve learned in 26 years of working, teaching and learning from a computer connection.

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