Links, Articles + Free Stuff

There’s so much to know!

If your goal is great communication you appreciate clarity and focus when receiving information.
The resources we point you to from here reflect this viewpoint and demonstrate the quality of thought and delivery that produces results. On this page you’ll find some of our writing and, further below. what we’re reading that inspires and informs our work.


Sue’s book, Talk To Me! Workplace Conversations That Work, was published in the summer of 2012 as a print book and in all eBook formats. It weaves the principles of effective conversation into the story of a manager who has a thing or two to learn about communication – and about himself.  Learn more here.

Book Chapter : In 2005, Sue was invited to contribute a chapter to “Become Your Own Great And Powerful: A Woman’s Guide To Living Your Real, Big Life,” edited by Barbara Bellissimo.
In the book, 10 women share the stories of how they discovered who they are. Here’s Sue’s chapter, “Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear.FREE

Listen to Barbara interview Sue on the experience here.

Interested in reading the rest of the book?
It’s available at and at Chapters/Indigo .


Interpersonal Skills

Primal Communication —  144 KB:

An academic paper by Susan Johnston examining current management ideas from a communication point-of-view. A modified version of this paper was published in Lawrence Ragan Communications, Inc.’s Journal of Employee Communication Management.

Rules of Engagement —  21 KB:
A brief look at techniques to engage people in the workplace and improve employee commitment that don’t cost a penny to implement.

It’s OK to Say “No” —  21 KB:
Are you overwhelmed? Advice and techniques to overcome the common tendency to over-commit.

Nice Theory, But What Do I Do Now? —  29 KB:
Theories are great but gleaning value from them can be challenging. Here are some ideas on the process of taking Emotional Intelligence from interesting theory to useful practice.


Feng Shui For Your Writing? —  19 KB:
Nine tips for clearing clutter from your prose. Thoughts on how the principles of Feng Shui can help you communicate more clearly.

Does PowerPoint Make Us Stupid? —  29 KB:
A “minifesto” on using the software that changed meetings forever.

Talk To Me! (summary article) —  27KB:
Ten tips to being understood at work.


Coaching the Brain —  166 KB:
David Rock’s introduction to brain-based coaching.

Who’re You Gonna Call? —  35 KB:
Ten great reasons to hire a coach!

Hey, New Coaches – You Don’t Have To Do It All At Once —  38 KB:
Straightforward advice on building your business – one step at a time rather than trying, and failing, to do it all at once.

Sue’s Writing Site – The Writing Repair Centre

Reading is good for your brain:

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog